FAQ & Help Center

Frequently asked questions

Common questions

Questions about
the training offer

Regarding costs

Common questions

Is it possible to rent courts?

Yes, there are 4 outdoor sand courts and 3 indoor hard courts (Rebound Ace) at your disposal. An indoor subscription is also available.

Are you offering holiday camps?

No, currently there is no offer for holiday camps. Instead, there´s the possibility of booking your individual Training days/days annually.

Are you offering overnight accommodations?

Our partner hotel, Best Western Hotel Peine, offers rooms at special rates. If our capacities allow, it´s possible to reside in one of our apartments.

What kind of shoes do I need?

For training on our hardcourt courts (indoor), special hardcourt shoes are required. Outside on the clay courts, training is done with clay shoes.

Which facilities are used for training?

Training takes place exclusively at the facility in Peine. There are currently 4 sand courts and 3 indoor hard courts (Rebound Ace).

Do you also train at weekends?

Yes, whenever the coaches think it´s reasonable, some players get an additional session at the weekend. In addition, the players use the facility on the weekend for hitting when they play a regional tournament.

Is there a physiotherapist on-site?

Yes, we have a very experienced physiotherapist on-site, who is available twice a week if needed. We also work with a second top physiotherapist from Hannover.

What if I get injured? Do I have to take a break or is there a possibility of getting a quick appointment with a sports doctor?

We have two physicians from Hanover with whom we work very closely and always get an appointment for our athletes in a timely manner.

Questions about the training offer

From what age can I start training?

You can start with us in the Young Starter Program from elementary school age. Currently, our youngest player is 9 years old.

Is it possible to train only once a week?

No, the smallest package in the Young Starter Program includes 2 training sessions.

Can I also train on a daily or weekly basis?

Yes, it is possible to book individual days or Training dayss.

Who trains full-time?

These are primarily players who are pursuing the goal of becoming a professional or would like to receive a scholarship in America, where they can combine their studies with playing tennis.

Is it necessary to have a certain ranking to be able to train with you?

No, if players are interested in working with us, we first conduct a Talent Scouting (tennis & fitness). This enables us to see whether the player brings the certain something we are looking for. In addition, both sides get to know each other and everyone can decide for themselves if cooperation can be successful.

What´s included in a training day in the professional area?

2 tennis units á 1,5 h and 1 fitness unit á 1 h.

Regarding costs

What are the costs for a training day or a Training days?

Training day: 179 EUR incl. VAT. Training days (Monday – Friday): 895 EUR incl. VAT.

What is the duration of a contract in the professional area?

In the professional area, we offer 3 different packages, for all of them we conclude annual contracts. Shorter periods are not expedient for the players and coaches.

What are the costs for an annual professional contract?

We offer 3 different packages in the professional area. The prices are only available on request.

What is the duration of a contract in the Young Starter area?

We offer 4 different packages in the Young Starter area, for all of which we conclude half-year contracts.

What are the costs for a Young Starter contract?

You can find the prices for the various packages on our Young Starter page.

Not the right questions?

Write us and let us know.