Our Players

Driven. Motivated. Talented.

„I want to become a professional tennis player! …or at least, for now, a very, very good player.” – Our talents share a common goal. This drives them and ensures a high level of intensity in every training session.

When it comes to developing our players, one thing is particularly important to us: mutual trust – and that includes honesty! After your evaluation, our coaches will assess your talent and provide a forecast for your future. Not everyone makes it into the Top 100, and we are open about that. Your goal might also be to become a very good college player and earn a scholarship in the USA.

ATP Players

Sumit Nagal


Highest ATP Ranking: 68

Born: 1997
Nationality: Indian
Played since: 2005
Profile: Right-hander, two-handed backhand

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International High Performers

Jassim Marcel


Born: 2005
Nationality: German
Played: 2011
Club: Tc SW Steterburg, SV GW Waggum
Profile: Right-hander, two-handed backhand
Hobbies: Video Games, Soccer, meeting with friends

“Never give up!”

Ellie Daniels


Born: 2006
Nationality: Canadian
Played since: 2012
Club: DTV Hannover
Profile: Right-hander, two-handed backhand
Hobbies: Singing, cooking

Mariella Gelbke


Born: 2005
Nationality: German
Played since: 2010
Club: DTV Hannover
Profile: Left-hander, two-handed backhand
Hobbies: Skiing

“Don’t take what you can get. Always fight for what you want!”

Niklas Grunewald


Born: 2004
Nationality: German
Played since: 2007
Club: TUS Lühnde
Profile: Left-hander, two-handed backhand
Hobbies: Listening to music, playing football, skateboarding

“If you give up, you will never know whether you might have made it.

Hannes Lüpkes


Born: 2008
Nationality: German

Gloria Reusch


Born: 2009
Nationality: German
Played since: 2013
Club: TuS Hoheneggelsen
Profile: Left-hander, two-handed backhand
Hobbies: Handball, playing the piano

“Always try your hardest – and you will never disappoint yourself!“

Julius Schliemann


Born: 2008
Nationality: German
Played since: 2014
Club: DTV Hannover
Profile: Right-hander, two-handed backhand

Gautam S


Geburtsjahr: 2007
Nationalität: Indisch
Spielt seit: 2012
Spielt: Rechtshänder, beidhändige Rückhand
Hobbys: Basketball, Cricket

„One step at a time“

National High Performers

Carla Aurora


Born: 2010
Nationality: German
Played: 2016
Club: LTTC Rot-Weiß Berlin
Profile: Right-hander, two-handed backhand
Hobbies: Reading, sports

“Fighting until the last point!”

Julian Kall


Born: 2009
Nationality: German
Played since: 2015
Club: Braunschweiger THC
Profile: Right-hander, two-handed backhand
Hobbies: Guitar

Alex Kozlowski


Born: 2008
Nationality: German
Played since: 2012
Club: TC Alsterquelle

Profile: Left-hander, two-handed backhand

Hobbies:  Reading

„Discipline is the key to success.“

Maximilian Langguth


Born: 2010
Nationality: German
Played since: 2018
Club: TC Alfeld
Profile: Right-hander, two-handed backhand
Hobbies: Football, Basketball

“Be stronger than your strongest excuse.“

Bennet Sprysch


Born: 2010
Nationality: German
Played since: 2015
Club: SSV Kirchhorst
Profile: Right-hander, two-handed backhand
Hobbies: reading

“You never lose! Either you win or you learn.“

Marleen Tietz


Born: 2010
Nationality: German
Played since: 2015
Club: Hittfelder Tennis Club
Profile: Right-hander, two-handed backhand
Hobbies: Skiing

„Tennis for life.”

Liv Windschall


Born: 2009
Nationality: German
Played since: 2015
Club: THC Münster
Profile: Right-hander, two-handed backhand
Hobbies: Skiing, traveling, meeting friends

“Sometimes you win, sometimes you learn.”


Liam Jonas Hoppe


Born: 2008
Nationality: German
Profile: Right-hander, two-handed backhand
Hobbies: Guitar, skiing

“If you give everything, you can’t fault yourself.“

Kira Kall


Born: 2006
Nationality: German
Played since: 2007
Club: BTHC
Profile: Right-hander, two-handed backhand
Hobbies: Skiing, drawing

Maxim Lahmer


Born: 2010
Nationality: German
Played since: 2018
Club: TKW Nienburg
Profile: Right-hander, two-handed backhand
Hobbies: Football

Georg Müller


Born: 2012
Nationality: German
Played since: 2016
Profile: Right-hander, two-handed backhand

Dominik Öztürk


Born: 2010
Nationality: German
Played since: 2017
Club: HTC Heidberger Tennis-Club e.V.
Profile: Right-hander, two-handed backhand
Hobbies: Piano, reading

Henry Twachtmann


Born: 2010
Nationality: German
Played since: 2022
Club: TKW Nienburg e.V.
Profile: Right-hander, two-handed backhand
Hobbies: Meeting friends, Stunt scootering, playing darts

“Giving up is not an option.”

Sophia Wolpers


Born: 2011
Nationality: German
Played since: 2015
Club: HTV Hannover
Profile: Right-hander, two-handed backhand
Hobbies: Piano, athletics, skiing, ballet

“If you’re afraid of losing, then you daren´t win.“ (Björn Borg)